Showing posts with label Industries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Industries. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to change negatives by being sustainable

தமிழன் என்று சொன்னால் தலை நிமிர்ந்து நில்லடா என்ற காலம் போய்
இப்படி செய்து கொண்டே போனால்:

மலையை, மண்ணை  சுரண்டி எடுத்தாலும் ... Mountain Mining
மரத்தை அறுத்து போட்டாலும்...Deforestation Cutting Trees
பல மணி நேரம் மின் வெட்டு செய்தாலும்...
தண்ணீரே கிடைக்காமல் போனாலும்...
இயற்கை வளத்தை அழித்தாலும்...Titanium Mining
விவசாய நிலத்தல் வீடு கட்டினாலும்...Industries Flocking
கழிவுகளை கொட்டினாலும்...Cancer Village, Dumping
அரசாங்கமே சாராயத்தை விற்று மக்களை குடி மகன்களாக்கினாலும்...Liquor
தமிழ் மீனவனை சுட்டாலும்...
இனத்தையே அழித்தாலும்...Innocent Deaths
கோடி கோடியாய் ஊழல் செய்தாலும்...Food Adulteration
அரசியல்வாதிகள் என்ன சொன்னாலும்... என்ன செய்தாலும்..Selling Expired Drugs
தமிழ் நாட்டு மக்கள் சகித்து  கொண்டே இருப்போம்...
தமிழன் என்று சொன்னால் தலை குனிந்து நின்று விடுவோம் போல்....

What we can do and are doing:
Grow trees, Grow agricultural products with out contamination, Treat people equally and give opportunities, make sustainable awareness, create environmental awareness, eradicate poverty, teach good things to the society whichever ways we can.
See the big canopy trees (below picture). It serves as home to lots of birds and also aids in hydrological cycle. It helps in lots of ways including providing cooler shades while resting during hard farm work.

We are also rearing cattle to provide good milk.
We are taking action to do good things, hoping and praying it will grow to an enormous level. As we know, hard work is paying off. Wild peahens are feeling safe and laying eggs in our farm.

Our farm is becoming Natural Integrated Sustainable Agricultural Farm. We will grow along this and create awareness  to the greedy people who are accumulating money by destroying natural national wealth, that it is not the only way to make money. It can be made by natural ways also with full of happiness without destroying anything.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Industries flocking into Tamilnadu - Must do Pollution Control also

Tire manufacturing Industry is coming to Gangaikondan, Tirunelveli in near future.
Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Industry and Nokia spare parts manufacturing coming to Orakadam, Chennai very soon,
Cuddalore - Petroleum Refinery & Ship building Industry,
ThiruChopuram - Building Harbor for private sector
along with several other industries.

These industries are good for the Economic development of the state.
However the above areas: ISLANDS, CORAL REEFS, MANGROVE FORESTS, WETLANDS, and FORESTS are as important as the Economic development and are very sensitive Environments. Also these industries should consider effects on HUMAN HEALTH.

Cuddalore is already a polluted and environmentally sensitive area. It has been affected by Tsunami.Mangrove forests have been helping the coastal areas from fierce force of cyclones. So, Mangrove forests are needed to protect the coastal areas.
Even though these industries are vital for economic upliftment, these industries must consider Environmental issues (Mandatory) also.
Watch Cuddalore Environmental Problems:

Tire manufacturing plants emit Volatile Organic Compounds. These emissions should be controlled or else there will be irreparable damage to these sensitive Environmental areas in the future. Hopefully these industries take into account the pollution that will be created and treat them properly.

Will these industrialists take care of pollution abatement or should we worry about these damaged Environment in the future?

Only time will answer.