Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Eco-Justice for Whales, Animals and Eradicate War, Racism from the face of Mother Earth

It is very hard to comprehend that 30 whales had been hunted this year, especially if you follow and practice eco-justice.
Over the years I have been successful with help of my team, in creating eco-friendly land systems, sustainable agricultural lands and eco-friendly backyards.

Wonderful to see - Birds sharing food 

We feel ultimate happiness when we see a small bird feeding from our backyard and hence it is very hard to read that whales, tigers, rhinos and other wild animals are hunted just for the wrong reasons.

Beautiful and Huge Whales - wonderful to watch 
(I could not even believe humans killing 30 of them).

Majestic Rhinos

Most of my life I was non-vegetarian and it took a while for me to understand the environment, ecosystems and religious systems to become a vegetarian. If I can change that way, I hope and pray that others can change or at least move towards the change (From 30 whales to 0 whales hunting, It would be great).

A beautiful young soft Chicken
(How could people boil hundreds of them alive?)

If I could not comprehend whale killing, how can I comprehend human killing by means of war. I cannot believe, even in the 21st century we are having so many wars and did not learn a thing from the past. My dear brothers and sisters from all over Globe, please learn from the past and live together peacefully. There are so many positive things to do on this great Mother Earth. Kick the negativeness out and move forward.

Also I was surprised to see that racism exists in twenty first century. Again I could not comprehend that we still need boards to display 'say no to racism' in football (soccer) world cup matches.

We all know the outer color is due to the environment we (and previous generations) are (were) exposed to and the inner blood color is the same. I hope and pray racism gets eradicated soon from Mother Earth. We all should focus on tolerating each other, live peacefully, harmoniously, follow eco-justice for animals and elevate the nature of human kind.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wherever you are, do whatever good you can, with whatever you have

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
          -- by Great President Theodore Roosevelt

President Roosevelt, was a key person, involved in saving several National Parks and Wildlife Refuges.
Last weekend, I  had the privilege to visit the America's first wildlife refuge that was created in 1903 - Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge to save wildlife.
Pelican Island 

American White Pelican in Pelican Island wildlife refuge

Birds are important part of environment and play an important role in many ways.
National Parks and Wildlife Refuges are very important for these birds to survive.
Some of the birds in this refuge
Ibis group in the Tree
Grey Heron
 Osprey with fish
 Red Winged

Leaders should follow his footsteps to preserve the remaining forests and wildlife areas for the betterment of environment.

If we follow President Roosevelt and do what you can, with what you have and where you are (Good and Positive deeds) at least something (good) will happen. For example:

Couple of years ago we had this free cherry tree from a tree giveaway program. We planted this tree in our backyard.
Free Cherry Plum Tree Sapling

This year it gave us wonderful cherry plum fruits.

It also added aesthetics to our backyard and helped bringing in wonderful songs birds to our backyard.

I am also proud that the people I trained have gotten into real world jobs. Hope they help others to get the jobs as they did.

I had followed President's words by creating beautiful environment for the birds in my own backyard and trained people in Information Technology to get real time jobs.

So wherever you are -  Do whatever good you can, with what you have and where you are, it is going to create a wonderful society.