Monday, June 20, 2011

Ganges Pollution and Swamiji's Death by Fasting, Praying to God for Peace

Swami Nigamananda fasted and died for the cause of saving Ganga from Pollution.

Praying for his soul to rest in peace and his wish to come true.
Everyone should work towards getting Ganges Clean.
Polluted environments can spring back to normal if proper actions are taken and followed (One such action).

Ganges River Pollution

Also saw videos from war atrocities that had happened recently.
Saving environment topics are nothing when considering these abuses against humans.
Only God has to give a solution for these happenings.
Let us pray for peace all around the globe.
We will be doing whatever we can do that is to work towards good environment and motivate others to do.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fire from cell phone component industry in Tamilnadu – Environmental Effects - Air Pollution

No one was injured from the industrial fire – that is good news. However the fire burnt inflammable paints, other chemicals and sent smokes all over. This should have caused some damage to the air quality. Lots of people are living around that area and lots of agricultural lands are there near that area (Recently visited that place). Severe Environmental Damage would occur due to this. Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board should assess this damage.

News about the Fire

People from Finland were worried about the job loss when Perlos moved the jobs to a developing country.

Perlos Job loss in Finland

However it is only jobs they lost, Think about the Environmental Damage this fire has caused. The Environmental hazard that has happened to Environment and air quality of Tamilnadu is more damaging than just losing few jobs. This area is an agricultural area and this would not only damage crops but also affect the health of the people. Hazardous air pollutants will be inhaled by people living in those areas. Only years of real scientific study will identify the real damage.

Read my earlier blog about conversation between me and a graduate student about fine line between environment and economic importance:
Environment and Economics

Even though Finland was worried about Perlos Job loss, people are safe and have better environment, where as People of Tamilnadu might have got some blue collar jobs (Not the white collar jobs - may be few) from this industry being moved here, but face severe Environmental damage including Health effects from this chemical fire.

Finland Environment is getting better
Finland Emissions. SOx, NOx, NMVOC, CO, PM - all air pollutants reduced over the years. As an Environmental Scientist, I bet 100% that all these chemicals must have increased at damaging levels in the atmosphere because of this fire. Even though it is an accident, what emergency remediation action plan we have? or what rules India have regarding this (Environmental Pollution)? or who will be responsible for clean up and health problems from this industrial fire?

We still did not learn from Bhopal tragedy!. Our Politicians have other priorities – Bringing more and more such industries without proper Environmental planning or litigation.


Industries Flocking into Tamilnadu

We should be happy and thank God, that there was no mortality in this industrial fire. However, we should wake up now (this is just a warning alarm) and create Proper Environmental Litigation and Environmental Responsibility by these industries.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Environmental Conservation in Action

There is no denying that one enjoys when present in green surroundings, pristine and clean environment. Viewing green mountains, water falls, streams, creeks, chirping birds, majestic animals and wonderful environment make you feel better. Recently, I visited Great Smoky Mountains and enjoyed the great environment when I was there. As an environmental scientist, I felt great to be in Great Smoky Mountains. Everyone I saw there (different and variety of people) had one thing in common, happiness. They were happy when doing variety of activities such as diving, swimming, hiking, walking and camping.

Pictures from Great Smoky Mountains:
Logging Photos Link

Before and After Logging Pictures Link

All these happiness in a green environment was possible due to people who thought about it and conserved this place. Only few years back the trees were cut and almost made the mountains bald. Due to the conservation effort by great leaders and people who thought of future, the greenery and environment of these Great Smoky Mountains have been saved. It has become an important International Biosphere Reserve. Now let us do our part to save such remaining great environments for our future generations.

World Environment Day - WED - June 5th

50 ways to conserve - link

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good Projects and Political Leaders

Recently Tamilnadu people did their democractic duty excellently.
Every type of people voted to make the change.

Once Tamilnadu had great leaders. Those political leaders had excellent visions for people. They had less money in their pockets. Tamilnadu was growing with the vision of those leaders. Recent leaders want to fill their pockets. Truth is they never cared about people. During their rule what have they done? Mostly increased the corruption and have no proper infra structure.

Think about roofless schools in the villages.
Recent leaders still follow the caste system and caste based politics.
They use the language as a tool to do regional politics and curb the growth of their people. They really back off when language, regional based politics is needed to save their people. Instead they go after greed of power and money.

We destroy oceans, forests, agricultural lands, trees, and soil resources.
Recent leaders are mostly opportunistic, liars and aim to increase their wealth.

If their real wealth is accounted they will be first in Forbes list. However they leave their people, society and state in deep trouble. With their amassed wealth excellent projects can be materialized with ease and the government will still have surplus.

These greedy politicians have spoiled the state. The young politicians should learn from previous leaders who have done well for their state, country and ignore the greedy politicians. Young politicians should work for the welfare of the people, execute important projects, eradicate poverty, improve schools and education, and improve agriculture and environment.

When a small group of people can do good projects such as this Sustainable Land Development, think about how many good projects that can be implemented with the money, power, knowledge and team that the Government has.

All we can do is pray to God to have such real leaders, fend off corrupt politicians and give strength to do our job and hardwork to move forward.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

EA Farms - Traditional Ploughing and Agricultural Sustainability

At EA Farms, We use traditional and natural methods to improve agricultural sustainability by rearing and using effective ruminant livestock for agricultural purposes.

View Larger Map
Ruminant Animals Digestive System and Agricultural Sustainability

They work for few days during the plouging season. Remaining days they graze in farm and rest.
They have very good days during Pongal season.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Our actions:
Sustainable land development project is moving forward.
We created swale in our EA Farms. We hope after the rains we should increase the ground water.
Soon fruit trees, medicinal trees and other useful trees will be planted along with existing trees. We also thank people sending seeds in advance.
Trying to bring water to all parts of the land and we will achieve that soon. We will be using minimum water for the growth.
Soon we will be starting to rear animals.


As soon as irrigation is ready we will be making the land more and more green.
We are slowly but steadily achieving our goal - From Barren Pesticide Applied Land to Organic Natural Sustainable Land.

We Pray to God and Earth to make this project more success. We also welcome ideas from all who wants to contribute to Environment Well Being.
Thank You. Happy Earth Day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Moving Forward - Fourth Year - Sustainable Land Development - Building Environmental History

02/09/2007 - Started the blog

What started as a small idea has grown into bigger environmental project.

Four Year Achievements:
Stopped applying harsh chemicals in the land.


May 2009, KC moved to EAFARMS to work on the following projects:

EAFARMS Environmental Project is progressing:

1) Fence around land along with gate is completed
2) Ground water source identified and borewell dug
3) Obtained electricity for the farm - for bringing the ground water to the surface
4) Apiary - Honey & Pollination - Started with 10 bee boxes
5) Planted Teak trees - around the farm and in the eco-agroforestry area of the EA Farms.
6) Hired a farm worker and built facility for him to stay @ EA FARMS.

Scheduled Activities:
1) Drip Irrigation
2) Green Houses
3) Get cows for Dairy and natural fertilizers
4) Mushroom Culture
5) Plant fruit trees along with existing trees, flowering plants and vegetables
6) Crops and Inter crops
7) Extent coconut farm
8) Swale creation
9) Animal Breeding & Rearing
10) Biochar

We are slowly but steadily moving forward. Once our infrastrucrture is ready we will be planting more and more plants, trees, and crops at EA FARMS and do more Environmental Activities.

Praying for the success.