Thursday, March 9, 2017

Save Fisherman

Heartfelt condolences to the Tamil Nadu fisherman killed.

This is now regular occurrence and after a while we forget and then it repeats again.

Underprivileged poor fisherman is killed and his family has to undergo severe burden. Thinking of it gives a very bad heart ache.

What needs to be done.

As we know we have the money (second GDP in India all that) - so why not implement a project that will help fisherman not to enter other country's territorial waters. There are technologies. There are different types of Buoys already used in Oceans. There are even open source technologies. Some buoy are manufactured to even generate electricity. Why not build a buoy chain with alerts (In India mobile technology has improved, everyone now has mobile and mobile alerts have become common). The government can  build stationary chained link of floating buoy with alerting sensors on them at least in the sensitive border areas (total coastal line is little more than 1000 Km  only.). Fisherman should be educated on the territorial border, taught about the mobile alerts and respect these alerts and not drift to the hostile territories. This project will not be very expensive. Governments, Marine institutions should investigate and work on these techniques to thwart another poor fisherman's death as soon as possible.

About Buoy Installation

Higher level leaders should talk to their counterpart of the other country and tell them what has been done to prevent our fisherman to accidentally drift into their territory, Also should ask them not to kill poor fisherman. They should warn the fishermen without killing them. Killing will not solve the problem. Nothing is more important than the life.

Stricter Laws along with databases can be created. Already they are arresting these fisherman, so it won't be that difficult to warn them, note their details and maintain them in their databases. Repeated offenders can be noted, given to India and India should take action against them rather than other country's Navy killing the poor fishermen,  Nothing is more important than the life of poor fisherman who is working so hard to support his already underprivileged family, This whole thing should be dealt in a humane way. No one can feel proud and think they have solved a problem by killing an unarmed poor fisherman. People who shot this poor fisherman may think they had done a wonderful job now, but think about his poor family, kith and kin - What have you done to them.

God is watching all the deeds.

Also in environmental aspect of the issue, coastal management has failed. There are several proof that coastal areas have been polluted and water is more of a chemical soup, cesspool and less and less marine flora and fauna are able to survive. This needs to be taken into consideration soon. Marine and Coastal bodies need to work diligently to make the oceans fertile again, so lots of sea animals will start to revive and fisherman need not travel as much into other territories for finding fish and be killed for such reasons.

So to save the life of poor fisherman:

Build floating Alert Sensor Buoy Borders
Provide GPS alert systems when boat drifts towards other territory
Leaders should communicate, Create International Fishing Laws between these sensitive areas and adhere to them.
Warning Fisherman instead of Killing them
Revive Marine Environment instead of polluting them.

Environmental Research work @ Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean area

Governments need to spend money on these projects to make fishing more safe and
Save underprivileged poor Fisherman's life (Which is very very precious especially to his poor family that depends on him).

Politicians, Soldiers please think in humane way and do your part to save these poor fishermen. Solve this problem by communicating with all parties and device a solution rather than KILL a poor FISHERMAN (which will not solve this problem),

Until then We (normal people) all can only support and Pray to God for these poor Fishermen to be safe.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

TamilNadu Positives

In my previous article, I had listed lots of negatives that are happening in Tamil Nadu.
Historically, there have been many positives such as

Second-largest State Economy in India
Excellent Natural Resources,
Wonderful Culture and History,
Wonderful Fauna and Flora
Excellent former Political Leaders,
Scientists including Dr. Kalam,
More than 80% Literacy Rate and for more info - Tamil Nadu Wiki

செந்தமிழ் நாடெனும் போதினிலே - இன்பத்
தேன் வந்து பாயுது காதினிலே - எங்கள்
தந்தையர் நாடென்ற பேச்சினிலே - ஒரு
சக்தி பிறக்குது மூச்சினிலே

If I were the Environmental Minister, what I would do for more positives:

I will create an Environmental Team. Now instead of one man (The Minister), This team will work towards the benefit of Environment,

First let me go through more details and some numbers:

Tamil Nadu Total Square miles - 50,216 mi²

Forest Area - 8743 mi² (These have already been preserved and is under conservative area including UNESCO Biodiversity areas).

Agricultural Area - 23231.79 mi² - during 1960s and it may have been considerably reduced because of the Real Estate Boom.

Gross Domestic Product -  ₹13,842 billion (US$210 billion) 

Population  - 72,147,030 approx. during last census taken living in  23,166,721 households.

Number of Urban and Rural Local Bodies  - 12,524

There are 100s of Schools, Colleges under several Universities.

Now,  The team's plan and action would be:

50216 (total sq.miles) - 8743 (Forest) = 41473 (remaining sq.miles) .

From the remaining sq. miles let us separate the agricultural land - 41473 - 18000 (reduced area due to real estate boom) = 23473 sq.miles.

Now we have 12524 government local bodies, if we divide the land 23473 by the local bodies - it is only 1.87 sq. miles (Let us even make it even - 2 sq. miles) that each local body has to take care.
We will form a team. In the team  I would include students and teachers (who are willing to volunteer)  from Schools, Colleges and Universities to assign simple environmental work along with the local bodies to make the work easier for local bodies.

Team will request retired people with experience to guide the youngsters.

Now, the top level team will assign the work to these local bodies, follow up with them at certain time. It would be similar to a Project Management of a project.

There are few Pollution Control Boards - Team will ask them to give them Air, Water, and other Environmental Quality Reports and discuss how we can improve.

As more and more climate changes are happening and we face both flooding and drought, the team will concentrate and save the water such as connecting water bodies and build better storm systems. The team will device  proper Water Management Systems according to the area.

The team  will tap into natural resources rather than non renewable resources, We already have sufficient Wind mills and Solar farms.

All industries will have Effluent Treatment Plants and will be asked to do Environmental favors such as planting trees and maintaining them.

The team will always see results of such activities and tweak them for more improvement,

In case of water scarcity we will tap into new methods. Water from sea (cost was a factor before - now we should have cost reduced because of solar and new techniques and technologies).

We will make sure 23,166,721 (there are so many rich house holds - so this number will be largely reduced) households have fundamental sanitation, water and other basic necessities.

We will work on sustainable technologies.

What about Funding:

When there is good GDP,  there should be some percent going to welfare of the country. So we will request funding for the 2 Sq. miles per local body.

We will request  (not mandatory) business institutions including banks to contribute towards welfare of the environment  at least in their area,

We will request (not mandatory) rich movie actors and cricket players to contribute towards these projects.

We will also request NRIs who wish to contribute to these projects

We will write proposals and get funding from any contributing bodies towards these necessary projects.

These are some of the aspects. Basically it is your 2 square miles that you need to take care.
It is already seventy years of independence. If only these 2 square miles was taken care by corresponding local bodies, it would have already been the golden era that Dr. Kalam dreamed about. Anyway, let us leave out the negatives.

I think together we together can do it.

I am not just saying for the sake of it.

My Qualifications:

Bachelor in Biological Sciences, Masters in Environmental Sciences, Master of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences (India- Bharathiar University)

PhD in Environmental Science and Masters in Computer Sciences (USA - Univ. of Maryland).

Successfully completed several Projects.

My Motto: Make Something Happen.

One of the Project is

 EA Farms - A Sustainable Organic Natural Agricultural Land Development.

Let us stop the negatives such as non renewable resources and Destructive Development and work towards these positives such as clean environment and Sustainable Developments.

When you take care of  the ENVIRONMENT, 
everything else is taken care off automatically.

Makesh Karuppiah, PhD
Environmental Scientist and Information Technologist.