Monday, February 7, 2011

Moving Forward - Fourth Year - Sustainable Land Development - Building Environmental History

02/09/2007 - Started the blog

What started as a small idea has grown into bigger environmental project.

Four Year Achievements:
Stopped applying harsh chemicals in the land.


May 2009, KC moved to EAFARMS to work on the following projects:

EAFARMS Environmental Project is progressing:

1) Fence around land along with gate is completed
2) Ground water source identified and borewell dug
3) Obtained electricity for the farm - for bringing the ground water to the surface
4) Apiary - Honey & Pollination - Started with 10 bee boxes
5) Planted Teak trees - around the farm and in the eco-agroforestry area of the EA Farms.
6) Hired a farm worker and built facility for him to stay @ EA FARMS.

Scheduled Activities:
1) Drip Irrigation
2) Green Houses
3) Get cows for Dairy and natural fertilizers
4) Mushroom Culture
5) Plant fruit trees along with existing trees, flowering plants and vegetables
6) Crops and Inter crops
7) Extent coconut farm
8) Swale creation
9) Animal Breeding & Rearing
10) Biochar

We are slowly but steadily moving forward. Once our infrastrucrture is ready we will be planting more and more plants, trees, and crops at EA FARMS and do more Environmental Activities.

Praying for the success.