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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Music gives a soul

Just wanted to deviate from my regular topics. As we approach the holidays week remembered our passions that we loved so much when we grew up. Coming from a small town we were close knit friends who I would consider more of a family than friends. From high school to Masters - during that time our main passions were Cricket, Music and Story books. Most of the discussions were about Cricket, story books we read (mostly written by great Sujatha and historic epics by great Kalki were our favorites) and music. Tamil movies music was our major topic during every gathering and would discuss about the songs for hours. Great Maestro Illayaraja started his peak ascend during these years.

       Maestro Illayaraja   (Music Legend)    

We loved his music and that continues until today. The thing with his music is that there is something soul touching in it. Just by listening to his song we can go back and re live those days again. We can relate each and every song of his to our life’s happenings. 

Great legends SP Balasubrahmanyam and KJ Yesudas songs in his music gave us best of music to listen to. 

with Legend SP Balasubrahmanyam

with Legend KJ Yesudas

Malaysia Vasudevan (Had the privilege to see these three legends concerts in person), Female legends S.Janaki and Chitra gave us the best songs. There are so many such discussions in the internet and also comparisons with other musicians that are available in plenty. But every time when we discuss among us, we get, what to say the crux of it and feel as if we had a glass of freshly squeezed sugarcane juice with a slight tinge of lemon and ginger. Especially three of us who were close friends riding in the same bike (we used to call triples) to high school and undergrad college; Discussion about music (as a fan) was the main topic. After those years we were all scattered all over the World and started our own careers, me - An Environmental Scientist and Information Technologist,  my friend Venu became IT guy (US) and third friend Sowmy became a nano technology chemistry professor in a different part of the World (Bahrain), but we are still close (thanks to technology) and discussion on the music still goes on. I wanted to share those discussions that I enjoyed so much. 

One day during a discussion it went along these lines - new music by new generation is different and it is becoming hard for us to accept that. Our dads were fans of their generation musicians and even they did not come to terms with Illayaraja music. So I was saying that we have become similar to our dads and current music is for the younger generations and they too have become World famous - example AR Rahman won two Oscars and Anirudh’s Kolaveri song has reached so many people all over the World. To that discussion, my friends shared their wonderful views:

Good perspective! – By Venu:

மாற்றம் ஒன்று தான் மாறாத ஒன்று

(meaning Change is the only one that never changes)

 When it comes to music we all belong to our own cult! MSV cult, Raja cult,  ARR cult etc We associate closely with our growing up years. Though we move on, we have some special soft place for things that we associate when we were young!  Parents, Certain food, place, game, friends, house, animals, first love  etc. Music is certainly one of them!  So all three generations went through that and next gen goes through that as well which is natural progression.  Next comes the objective side of the music. 

1. MKT/Kittappa-complete classical(மன்மத லீலையை, ஜெய் கிருஷ்ண முகுந்தா முராரே) very good start for the Tamil film music

2. G. Ramanathan, SV Naidu and many more -diluted a bit still adhered to classical as the mainstream, introduced new western instruments and new western idioms 

3. KVM-classical, folk and still more dilution of the classical  

Legend Singer TM Soundarajan 

Legend Music Director MS Viswanathan 

These great duo along with another Legend P. Susheela gave us the best songs.

4. MSV, TKR-big positive deviation started here. introduced the real light music, lots of new genres were introduced, western instruments and idioms were used to ornament the melodies, introduced lots of innovations in the form, texture, orchestration and arrangements. still maintained the soul and the sensitivity in the music,(பழமை மாறாத புதுமை). They stood on the shoulders of the MKT, GR et al and delivered real stunning music for decades!There are other MDs like TR papa, V Kumar, Vijay Bhaskar et al. They supported  MSV /TKR’s path/trend. 

5. Raja stood on the shoulders of these stalwarts and took the music to the next level whether is it is orchestration, arrangements, style, innovation, fusion, folk, western classical, Jazz, Carnatic classical, singing style, BGM and you name it (How to name it? Right? It is just “Nothing But Wind?) he excelled in all of  them. He propelled the changes in lightening speed!  Even he touched the electronic side of it -first time stereophonic recording, computer based composing.  

6. ARR-took this digital side of it to global and brought some great innovation to marketing and global appeal!  

 OSCAR winner AR Rahman

7. Today’s Anirudh, Yuvan et al, When I listen today's music, my mind automatically asks “what is new in this?” May be popular, beyond that?  Our mind automatically checks the library and if it is already done. Ok and move on. Nothing to say big about it. To me, probably, that is what happening. Perhaps to you as well! Are we becoming old? They really need to do something beyond what we have already listened to rave about them.  


                                    With New Generation Singers

I remember reading when somebody asked about Einstein’s achievements, he mentioned that, “I stood on the shoulders of Newton and et al  and I told what I saw”. He made it so simple (it was always his strength) but not easy to claim the shoulders of Newton. Right? Lengthy post...I could not resist..when my favorite topic was tossed in front of me! I have less mind control on this.

By Sowmy: 

As usual, Venu's article depicts the Crux of yester years achievements. It highlighted all the stalwarts except few. For me if MSV paved the ROAD of modern music,  Raja – already laid 8 way track superfast express highway. RAJA's forte was he never forget to respect his elders, mentors. Besides being a genius among all, his heart melts for             SM Subbaraman (who was our fathers favorite), ....Madanmohan, Roshan, SDBurman,...Not to mention about MSV. He can go to any extreme  level of politeness/ humbleness to express his regard and reverence for them.  

In Tamil – Illayaraja goes to say MSV கடிச்சுத்துப்பிய விஷயங்களைத்தான் நாங்கள் இப்போது செய்கிறோம். எனக்கு அவர் எந்தெந்தப்பாட்டில் என்னென்ன டெக்நிக் யூஸ் பண்ணியிருக்கார்னு தெரியும், எல்லாவற்றையும் சொல்ல மாட்டேன் (என்னுள்ளில் MSV  ப்ரொகராமில்.) இதைவிட வேறு, அதுவும் ராஜாவைப்போல் இசை ஞானத்தால் உயர்ந்தவர்   சொல்லும்போது, அவரின் மரபு சார்ந்த பண்பு பிரமிக்க வைக்கிறது.பின்பு வந்தவர்கள் யாரும் தன் முன்னோர்களைப்பற்றிப்பேசிய மாதிரி எனக்குத் தெரியவில்லை.

When talking about Tamil music, I should mention the song writing legends Kaviarasu Kannadasan and Valli.

 Wonderful Quote by Plato:   

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

 Enjoy your Music.

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