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Monday, December 3, 2018

Birds - Protect Them

Wonderful creatures that brings aesthetics to any environment. Just watching them fly and hear them sing takes away the stress. Colorful, different sizes, voices, cuteness, intelligent, building nests, raising young ones, migration and many more reasons that make bird watching a pleasant event. One can wake up stress free when woke up naturally by chirping and singing birds. Creator has created birds for a reason.

More about birds - http://www.birds.cornell.edu


2018 - Year of The Bird

A little bird such as Cassin's vireo can migrate long way

                                       Some Colorful Birds






Quote - “ I hope you love birds too. It is economical. It saves going to heaven. ” - American Poet Emily Dickinson
- which is a true statement.

At EA Farms we practice Sustainable Organic Natural Agriculture practices along with agro forestry to bring back birds.

A poem written by my daughter when she was in elementary school -                  

The Birds' Spot.

You can see how we create a niche for birds in our backyard, photographed and published it as a free eBook for everyone to enjoy.

Backyard Birds

As I was writing this blog, this Majestic Red Shouldered Hawk came and sat on our backyard compound wall.


To the young people out there:

There is more than your phones and gadgets out there, Take a stroll into the nature, watch these birds and enjoy the environment. It will for sure - help towards your health and well being.

To see such wonderful creatures erased due to advancement of human technologies, it really hurts.

Against human force they fall into helpless category. Our technology improvements never consider environment, earth co-inhabitants and environmental health. We are just focused on technological achievement as eye closed horse and do not even think about any thing else. Environment is as important as the technology and it should be considered whenever we move forward technology wise, Proper and humane tests should be completed before we move to a new technology blind folded. Even if we move that way at least we should find a way to shield and protect our co-inhabitants such as the beautiful birds and other flora, fauna and under-privileged who don't have any say against the injustice. Also nowadays I see lots of deforestation. Most of the bird habitats are changing to concrete jungles. Where will the birds live?. Eco-justice needs to be considered so that our future generations can also experience the wonderful songs and colorful birds as we do. Praying for that and request you to do your part (by growing trees that supports birds and simple things such as putting up a bird bath). 

Makesh Karuppiah, PhD
Environmental Scientist and Information Technologist

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