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Saturday, April 28, 2018

One Earth Day

One Earth Day

On this Day praying for peace on the Globe,

Praying for no wars, no poverty and better environment.

Lot of us still ignore pollution around us, we ignore destruction of war, we ignore deforestation happening in front of us. We ignore plastics affecting us and environment, please don't ignore these do your part. Sometimes we cant't do anything about some issues - at that time please pray,

for example - I prayed on November 29 2010 

One more prayer: We dont need one more senseless war. Praying to bring peace for North and South Korea brothers and sisters.

Last week felt happy both Korea are having talks in  moving forward with peace. This brings satisfaction.  

 we have other areas where immediate attention and thinking is needed. Now we have so many different countries in the Earth and so many levels of ups and downs are between them. What I mean is that we have most developed countries, developing countries and non developing countries. Again when homo sapiens started their journey in Earth it was just one Earth, but now these differences were created by human intelligence. We have stepped into wrong path. Still we did not learn.  We should think as a vast minded person to make the wonderful Earth as one Earth. What I am conveying here is that every human being should have basic necessities and should not suffer from poverty. If you are a developed country improve the other non developed  countries  instead of pushing them backward. 

In this 21st century we talk about women empowerment. But still in some countries they are not treated well. I thought developed countries supported such women empowerment, but the news doesn't indicate that. One thing I want to talk about is curbing spouses ( mostly women ) to work. That is not women empowering. That is pushing  women backwards. If a developed country can do this in the 21st century think about other places where women are treated miserably.  By letting women work lots of positives happen. The family gets out of poverty and enrich other people also. Instead of taking such steps to curb women from.working one should consider to empower them and be an example to other countries. Anyway for them  when one door is shut, God opens other multiple doors with different opportunities. Also humans especially who are in Power thinks that everything is permanent until Earth reminds that Nothing is permanent in this World. Everyone should go from Earth  one day and will be recycled. So we should concentrate on eliminating poverty, providing basic necessities to every inhabitant, eliminate negatives and make one Good Earth.  Even if you are not helpful do not be a hindrance to Others growth.  Jealousy can ruin you and the surroundings, so dump that and help others. In long run it will be best choice for one Earth. We should work towards it so that future generations can live peacefully and concentrate on positive things. 

Once Swami Vivekananda asked a question to his Guru 

"Swami Vivekanand:*-  Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

and the Guru's  answer

*Ramkrishna Paramahansa:*- There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

I will be praying towards the good causes. 

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