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Monday, April 9, 2018

Data Governance

It's been a while I wrote an Information technology related article: I have been in Information technology especially in data field for so many years. In this era of data breaches, General Data Protection (GDP) is a must and GDP Regulation (GDPR) is moving forward at fast pace and will be enforced by May, 2018 by the European Union, Unions and Countries are mandating the data protection and even taking up a notch including enormous fine and even jail time for not compliant with GDP . 

 Data Availability, Data Usability, Data Consistency, Data quality, Digital Data Rights for people, General Data Protection, General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR Compliance, Data Security, Data Audits, Security Audits, Encrypted Data, Identification are the key points to take into serious consideration in the immediate future of any business that uses DATA as their main component (which is now every organization and business in this DATA Age).

DATA Governance Office must be integral part of every organizations and businesses that will provide these key components of DATA GOVERNANCE PROCESS and will include DATA STEWARDS, DATA Architects, Database Administrators, DATA Scientists, Information technologist, Business Analysts, Solution providers, Data stakeholders also should take part in GDP activities for better compliance that starts from the smallest piece - DATA ELEMENT. 

 Best practiced robust DATA Governance is must for every organization because it will protect them from so many data related challenges and complex data related issues. DATA Governance should be implemented using the best available tools as it requires every member of the organization to participate and protect. Organizations and businesses need to adopt, evolve, maintain and mature their DATA Governance and be ready for General Data Protection to remain successfully in the business in very near future. 

 From the smallest component - DATA ELEMENT to complete DATA Governance, complete governance solutions is required and experienced DATA management and governance people, companies and tools  can make the compliance easy and simplified. 

One such company with  most features of DATA GOVERNANCE and cost effective best tools is:



NucleusG - Best tool - Data Governance

Visit and communicate with them for Data Governance and  compliance and see how they can simplify the process and how you can benefit.

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