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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One more Dumping Site - Thekkampatti Village

The ITC Paperboard facility at Coimbatore was acquired from BILT Industrial Packaging Company in March, 2004. The Mill is located at Thekkampatti Village, near Mettupalayam, in Coimbatore Dist of Tamil Nadu. The commercial production under ITC management began on 29th March, 2004.
Source: ITC

Source - Article in Kumudam Magazine
This article indicates that solid wastes which includes plasics, pesticides, and medicinal wastes (even fetus) has been imported to this village - Thekkampatti. Sub-contractors separate these materials and give it to the above mentioned ITC. However the remaining wastes are dumped in the land. These wastes should be properly treated and disposed instead of dumping in poor farmer's land. Pollution control should regularize these waste imports by implementing and following proper Environmental laws.
Another dumping - Tannery Effluents
I have done research on Tannery Effluents during my MS and Mphil degrees. It is one of the worst industrial pollution source. In Dindugal area these effluents are dumped into the land without any treatment. While travelling from Pollachi to Srivilliputtur, I could tell that we arrived at Dindugal just by the nasty stench from tannery effluents. I was very much worried at that time thinking of future of those area. Making my worries to be true, I read an article in Dinamalar, indicating that the area water bodies including ground water has been completely contaminated by tannery effluents. There are 61 tanneries in the area and they dump these effluents directly into the land. Several villages surrounding Dindugal, have been affected by this. Kids who are daily drinking this contaminated water have completely damaged tooth and skin.

Also 500 acres of fertile land have been contaminated by these effluents.
Authorities should build low-cost centralized tannery effluent treatment to treat this tannery effluents or else chromium in the effluents will do its damage which would be irreversible.

Also read about Mr.Loganathan, who works two jobs (Welding and Toilet Cleaning). He uses money from welding job to take care of the family. He completely gives away the money from the other job to poor orphaned children's Education(Children in Sathya Ammaiyar Govt. Orphanage School).

Hats off to Mr.Loganathan. If all people have this mentality of helping (All Politicians should learn from him), Our planet would have been a better place.

Another Note on Environmental Concern:
Last week I attended a meeting regarding building a Hindu temple in Orange county, Florida. Meeting had several people - county officials, local neighborhood people and people willing to build the temple. Most of the neighbourhood people opposed the temple proposal, even though the neighbourhood is surrounded by Churches. One of the concerns was:
Oil leakage from these thrity cars that will be parked (when people worship) will affect Ground water.

See the Environmental Concern of the these people and everyone should learn from them to be Enviromentally concise. Oil pollution from these cars is negligibly very little compared to the solid wastes sent to India (Plastics, Pesticides, Medicinal wastes, and E-wastes):

eWastes Dumped


  1. Last week I read that the coimbatore collector sealed the company which was dumping the waste materials in the well and lands. Good work by collector. Environmental awareness is catching up. Now ITC should be careful in receiving such wastes and even if they receive they should properly dispose instead of improperly dumping the hazardous solid wastes.

  2. Well done Coimbatore collector . You have done good job. Usually the action taken time will be very more in previous cases but this collector acted fastly on the environmental issues. Keep good going.
