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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Produce during Pandemic

Our friends, as we are spread all over the World we could only communicate through social media during this pandemic. Recently, we are trying Urban Agriculture as everyone realizes it is important to grow your own produce whatever you can in the place that is available to you. Greens, vegetables and fruits can be even grown in pots which can be very useful. It is also Organic, as we will never use artificial chemicals to grow our own produce. Anywhere in the World, in your home, you can put some soil in a pot or even in a sack and grow your own produce (at least some spinach and herbs). With some rice it can make a good tasty combination food too. So, on that lines, I want to share some ( Produce during Pandemic )  photos that I received from all over the Globe from few of my friends through social media.

From India:
Tamil Nadu: (Produce from EA farms, Friend's farm and Urban Agriculture):


From :USA:

West Virginia;
In a town home setup.

If a friend can grow this inside a  town home at a cold climate area, then no one with a farm or space should not give any excuse to grow plants and trees.





Tasty end products - Value added products can be made from your own produce
These are just from few of my friends.
Never expected even in unthinkable places my dear friends could grow these Produce. 

In the urban setup, one can have bee boxes. They help the plants and also produce honey.

A small plant planted today can become a forest one day.

Really glad that youngsters from
Pollachi area are involved in planting trees and maintaining them - Dr. Kalam's dream coming true.
At EA FARMS trees are planted one by one and as many as we can. 

 What we planted few years ago are growing. One day it will become a forest.
And we will get good rainfall and water can be conserved.
These produce during pandemic is from few friends. Think if all people produce at least some part of their food, it will be great.
Seeing all these should motivate anyone to atleast grow some herbs in your house. When you grow and consume it,, it will taste better for sure. A friends poem about trees:

Make it sure to plant some more! 
That is cure for smoke filled air! 
Future of lives endured by trees 
that assures all the air pure! 

Makes the mind pure too.

Flowering plants give aesthetics to your area:

It can help even a little bird such as a tailor bird. A video from friend:

Let us make the Earth more green. In turn it protects us from many harmful things.

Makesh Karuppiah, PhD
Environmental Scientist and Information Technologist