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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Caves National Parks Environment.

Naturally formed Caves are wonderful geological structures. Caves are also needed for the upper environment for surface stabilization. They also provide historic information about the environmental changes of the area. Stalactites and stalagmites are beautiful formations in caves.Several minerals are also present in the caves. Recently visited the Kentucky Mammoth Caves. They are 400 mile long caves (one of the longest cave structures in the World).

 Kentucky Mammoth Cave National Park - A Biosphere Reserve

One of the Cave Entrance - Historic Tour Entrance

Cave Formations

Ruby Falls (Tennessee) - A huge falls inside cave 

Cave - Natural Formations 

Rock City - High Falls
 Seven States View - Rock City
 It is good see such preserved environmental areas. Glad that Mammoth cave is a biosphere reserve.and will be there for future generations to enjoy the nature as we did.

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