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Sunday, November 6, 2011

20 Years in US, EA Project,Thanks to Teachers, Friends & Family

Today had opportunity to sit in Washington DC Dulles airport and write this blog. Twenty years back I came to this same airport for the first time to enter into US for pursuing PhD in Environmental Sciences. Successfully completed that. Went forward and completed additional Masters in Computer Sciences. How have I used my education towards real time projects:

We started a project called EnviroApps Sustainable Land Development Project on Feb, 2007. Slowly, A land used for agriculture using chemical methods were changed to Natural methods. Last year we produced Organic Produce. Hopefully within few more years we will have beautiful environmental project in real world. Flowering plants, bees, trees, ecosystems, natural agriculture and so many other activities associated with environment - all in our EA FARM.

All these ideas came to me because of my great teachers (Drs - Gupta, Sankaran, Vasanth Kumar (Sad that they all passed away), Dr.SS, Dr. RavinderRaju, Dr. Rajkumar, Dr. Pattabhi, Dr. Palanivel, Dr. Rajaguru, Dr.Shanthi, Dr. Kalaiselvi, Dr. Subburam, Dr. LakshmanaPerumalsamy and long list of other teachers and school teachers...) friends (so many - the list will never end) and family (without them I could not have implemented what I had envisioned). Even though I had all the fun in the world during my undergrad degree years, my biology teachers have shaped me towards the environmental field. I had wonderful years during my Master's (MSc - PSG and MPhil - MPhil) - Environmental Sciences. During my PhD in US, I had great opportunity to work on Chesapeake Bay Environment. I thank God for giving all these opportunities and the great project we are currently implementing.
Collecting Sediment Samples
 Analyzing Sample
 Presenting Scientific Papers
Happy to Save the Bay
 Teaching Environmental Science to Grads

Also excited, that I will be writing my EnviroApps 100th blog soon.

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