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Monday, April 20, 2009

Most Polluted in United States Air, Water and Land

Air: Los Angeles
particle pollution and ozone pollution

Air: Bakersfield, California
particle pollution and for ozone

Air: Pittsburgh
particle pollution

Water: Streams and Headwaters in Appalachia
mountaintop removal mining
Head Water Destruction

Water: Gulf of Mexico
excess nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates

Water: Chesapeake Bay
urban and agricultural resources," she says. "There's runoff from large factory farms, including large poultry farms, and raw sewage from Washington D.C.

My Ph.D Research: Toxicity Studies on Chespeake Bay Tributaries.
My research was one of the pioneer research on sediments of Chesapeake Bay Tributaries and it indicated that one of the river - Pocomoke River (Later to my study Massive fish kills occured in this river) was highly contaminated with runoff including large poultry farms.

Land: The Nelson Tunnel, Creede, Colorado
Superfund Site Heavy metals
arsenic, cadmium, lead and zinc

Land: Iron King Mine Humboldt Smelter, Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona
arsenic and lead poisoning
Land: Escambia Wood, Pensacola, Florida

Wood Treatment:
The soil and ground water around the site is polluted with creosote, naphthalene, pentachlorophenol, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and dioxin.

Makesh Karuppiah, Ph.D

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