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Saturday, October 18, 2008


Effect of Municipal Sullage on the Bacteriological Quality of River Water-A Case study
Environmental Risk Assessment
227-234 (1989)
S.Manian, R. Rathinasamy & N.Manivasakam

Key Words: River Pollution Sullage Coliforms Streptococci - BOD

This study indicated several years ago (20 years) the importance of Water treatment from wastewater treatment plant in Tamilnadu, India.
However, recently I read that Tamilnadu water bodies and ground water are completely deteriorated.
People did not learn from these critical studies by Environmental Scientists and did not follow their instructions to save such very important water bodies.
We are not only affecting these water bodies, but also depleting them and doing great injustice for the future generations.

It is time to work on the Environmental Issues as soon as possible to contain further complications and depletion of Natural Resources.

Also I read politicians are signing up projects worth crores of rupees. But still most of the rivers, groundwater are polluted and depleted.

STILL MANY PEOPLE ARE DEFECATING (Publicly) IN MIDDLE OF TOWNS OF TAMILNADU, which still is a major problem and health hazard and environmental degrading action. I am just asking politicians, and public people to eradicate this problem by law and providing and teaching good alternatives.

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