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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Environmental Topics

Effects of chemicals as medicines:

THIMEROSAL - More on Thimerosal Toxicity.

EcoJustice - A True Statement:

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi

Effect of Water Pollution:

A stunt in the new "Batman" movie is canceled because of extreme water pollution in Hongkong.

Great Wall old hat as Beijing eyes Great Wheel - Pollution - SMOG spoiling the party in CHINA:

"The wheel itself is a nice add-on to the city. It's a new icon for the city," Great Wheel Corp Chief Executive Officer Stephan Matter told Reuters ahead of the ground-breaking ceremony.
Matter brushed off worries Beijing's notorious smog may spoil the party.

"It is an issue, but it's increasingly better," he said. "I believe the Chinese government will improve it further and yes you will have pollution, but the wheel itself is an attraction.




Makesh Karuppiah

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